Vodka Sauce

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Would a winter day be complete without a stick to your bones pasta dish? No. Carbs, cream, cheese, booze, vodka, and pancetta come together to make this heart healthiest of dishes. Eat responsibly.

Serves: 4

Cook Time: 40 Mins


  • 1 Box Pasta (Get yourself something thick like a mezzi rigatoni) I used this and had leftovers for a while

  • 1 Pint Heavy Cream

  • 4 oz Diced Pancetta

  • 1 Large Shallot, Diced (or 2 Small)

  • 2 - 3 Cloves Garlic, Minced

  • 1/4 Cup Vodka

  • 1/4 Cup Tomato Paste (or about almost a whole tube)

  • 1 Tspn EVOO

  • 1/4 Cup Pecorino Romano

  • 1/8 Cup Fresh Diced Tomato

  • 2 Tspns Salt


  • Red Pepper Flakes

  • Basil


  1. Add salt to your water and start boiling.

  2. Add EVOO to a deep pan then add your pancetta.

  3. Once the pancetta is cooked about half way (it should be starting to get translucent) add your garlic and shallot to the pan.

  4. Once everything is fragrant (about 4 minutes), add your vodka. Scrape up any pancetta or shallot bits with the vodka. This is called deglazing the pan.

  5. Let cook for about 3-5 mins until the vodka has reduced and almost disappears.

  6. While the vodka is cooking down, prepare your pasta so it is al dente. We will get back to it.

  7. Add tomato paste to your saucepan with all the delicious pancetta and shallots sizzling. Mix the tomato paste in for about 2-3 minutes so that it softens.

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8. Add the cream and cheese to the pan and stir for about 5 minutes. The sauce will still be thin and pink... that’s fine.

9. Once your pasta is finished cooking, add it right into the pan with 1/3 cup salty pasta water. Add more or less if you think you need it.

10. Stir well. This is now a waiting game. You want the sauce to get thick. This can take 15-20 minutes, depending on your burner strength. I suggest cooking on medium to medium high.

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11. Once the sauce starts sticking to the back of the spoon, you are almost there.

12. When the sauce has gone from a pink to more of an orange color, add the fresh diced tomatoes in mix well through out.

Then boom! Just like that you’ve made homemade vodka sauce!

I like to a red pepper flakes and basil on mine, but do you.


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