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Do Good.

Food is community. We believe that giving back is the most important thing we can do as members of the food community. Consider giving back to these amazing organizations who give back through food every day.


Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance has been working tirelessly for decades in the Philadelphia area to get nutritious food to individuals are disabled. They never cease to amaze and during the holiday season they sell great pies!

World Central Kitchen

WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. We build resilient food systems with locally led solutions. They work tirelessly in every corner of the globe.

Farmer Jawn

Farmer Jawn is an urban agriculture project that focuses on eliminating urban food desserts while increasing awareness around the importance of fresh food. Their aim is to create change and bring awareness to the matters of food waste and food insecurity and the symbiotic relationship between the two.